Razz has it all - movement, type, loving attitude (he gives hugs!) and conformation.
He is both a National and International Champion bred from a line of Champions.
His sire, Springbourne Dazzle was a multi Supreme Champion and his sire,
Springbourne Caraway was a halter and ridden Champion (eight times winner of the WPCS Sire
Ratings) & Reserve Champion at the Royal Welsh Show in 1989 and Mountain and
Moorland Ridden Champion National Pony Show 1991 to name a few of his wins.
Razz's dam is just as impressive being a multi Supreme Champion herself. She was
pinned Champion every time shown, the only mare to ever beat her sire, for a Supreme Champion.
Her sire Majick's Owen Tudar has over 250 Championships in Halter, Riding and Driving.
The Champion quality shines through in Razz's first two babies as well as that flashy chrome!